Gifted and talented program
Gifted and talented program

gifted and talented program

Typically, formal GT identification and programming begin in 2nd or 3rd grade. GT Teachers collaborate with other educators and provide pull out services or stand alone classes to provide rigorous and engaging learning experiences for Gifted students. The academic instruction at each of these schools is individualized based on the needs of the school. Our staff throughout the district is composed of excellent, well-trained personnel that meet the unique needs of our Gifted learners. There is a Gifted and Talented Facilitator on staff at every elementary and middle school, and a GT liaison at each high school. Gifted and Talented services are provided at all schools throughout the district. We serve students with a broad range of academic and affective needs. Students are identified in Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies, Science, World Language, Creativity, Leadership, Art, and General Intellectual Ability. Gifted students represent 10.7% of our population, these students represent all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata and are present in every school in the district. Littleton Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program (G/T) serves over 1,500 students in grades K-12.

Gifted and talented program